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Group Classes

Strength, Conditioning, Flexibility, Balance, Core, Performance

expires in 30 days from purchase, $33/class 


expires in 60 days from purchase, $30/class


expires in 90 days from purchase, $26/class


monthly billing , includes gym open-floor hours, unlimited classes & includes stretch/ recovery classes


expires in 7 days from purchase, 


Personal Training

Packages 1:1 allows for one-on-one attention, includes 3D body scans

(expires in 3 months from purchase, $85/session)


(expires in 4 months from purchase, $80/session)


(expires in 5 months from purchase, $75/session)


Semi Private Training (price/person)

(team up with a buddy or partner (don’t have one we will find you someone) share the cost of personal training sessions and keep each other motivated — expires in 3 months from purchase, $480/person/package)


(team up with a buddy or partner (don’t have one we will find you someone) share the cost of personal training sessions and keep each other motivated — expires in 4 months from purchase, $720/person/package)


(team up with a buddy or partner (don’t have one we will find you someone) share the cost of personal training sessions and keep each other motivated –expires in 5 months from purchase, $960/person/package)


(team up with a buddy or partner (don’t have one we will find you someone) share the cost of personal training sessions and keep each other motivated –expires in 3 months from purchase, $400/person/package)


(team up with a buddy or partner (don’t have one we will find you someone) share the cost of personal training sessions and keep each other motivated — expires in 4 months from purchase, $600/person/package)


(team up with a buddy or partner (don’t have one we will find you someone) share the cost of personal training sessions and keep each other motivated –expires in 5 months from purchase, $800/person/package)


(team up with a buddy or partner (don’t have one we will find you someone) share the cost of personal training sessions and keep each other motivated –expires in 3 months from purchase, $320/person/package)


(team up with a buddy or partner (don’t have one we will find you someone) share the cost of personal training sessions and keep each other motivated –expires in 4 months from purchase, $480/person/package)


(team up with a buddy or partner (don’t have one we will find you someone) share the cost of personal training sessions and keep each other motivated –expires in 5 months from purchase, $640/person/package)


Open Gym add on

This add on service is for members only. It will give you access to Grind Heart’s gym M-F 10am-4pm.    Come in and get extra workouts anytime you see a time that works for you!
Saturday hours vary.  Please call gym to inquire about Saturday hours, 404-219-6073.

Open Gym available by invitation only

(call or email 404-219-6073/

Youth Development

(call to book 404-219-6073)

This 6-month program is designed to teach long term athletic development-we spot light movement proficiency while building a movement library for young athletes to vuild on – each session incorportates general motor skills development, speed, agility, and strength – it is structured in a fun format that ensures they are prepared to handle the rigor of H.S. sports AVAILABLE MONTHLY, SCHOOL BREAKS, OFF SEASON, SUMMERS, ETC

Teen Athletic Training (TAT) Program

(call to book 404-219-6073)

This is a 5-month program that consists of 40 sessions and focuses on 5 core principals of training.  Athletes will spend 4 weeks on each principal: Foundation, General Prep, Hypertrophy, Max Strength and Metabolic Conditioning. Our TAT program includes access to delicious and nutritious protein shakes, sports drinks, water, and snacks

Refreshement & Snack Bar

(delicious and nutritious protein shakes, sports drinks, water and snacks — pay monthly + tax — sign up through your trainer


3D Body Scan

Contact gym to book appt
Service tracks body evolution with zero discomfort through a full body scan and produces accurate body metrics — expires in a week from purchase. 


Contact gym to book appt
Service tracks body evolution with zero discomfort through a full body scan and produces accurate body metrics — expires in a month from purchase 


Contact gym to book appt

Service tracks body evolution with zero discomfort through a full body scan and produces accurate body metrics — expires in 2 months from purchase 


Contact gym to book appt

Service tracks body evolution with zero discomfort through a full body scan and produces accurate body metrics — expires in 5 months from purchase, but your sessions are unlimited within that period


Gift Card(s)

(enter any $ value at checkout — great gifts for friends and family — expires in a year from purchase)
